How to Arrange Your Finances For Greater Abundance

Posted at by ifydcat on category Personal Finance

Many people live paycheck-to-paycheck, never having anything left over after they pay their bills. This type of financial situation can wear you out and make working seem pointless because you never get to do anything you want to do with your money. Fortunately, you can improve your financial situation regardless of how much money you make by following a few simple tips.

Begin by creating a budget. There are three steps to creating a reasonable budget that allows you to save money, pay your bills and enjoy your life.

First, you need to keep track of your expenses and income for a month so that you can see exactly how much you make and where it’s all going. You can either keep track of this by hand or use a computer program to help you. Some people like to manually input everything into a spreadsheet or account book, while other people prefer to let a computer program automatically track their money as it comes in or goes out.

At the end of the month, look over your budget. Make sure that you have paid all bills on time. If not, or if you have nothing left over for yourself, cut some expenses from the next month’s budget.

When you do your financial planning at the beginning of each month, you should include a budget for rewards. You need to give yourself a certain amount of money in order to keep yourself motivated and happy. Otherwise, you’ll end up spending money in an unwise way because you feel like you never have any. Put a small amount of money into a savings account from each paycheck–$5 to $25 if you don’t make much–and allow yourself to spend this money on yourself. Make this payment to yourself a priority as well as savings towards your rent or mortgage and utilities bills.

Your budget should help you reduce expenses so that you don’t spend money you don’t have. This is important because spending money you haven’t earned yet puts you behind and causes extra stress. If your credit is good enough for you to have a credit card or two, spending money you don’t have results in putting purchases on credit and having to pay a big credit card bill, which you may not be able to do all at once. If you don’t have credit cards, the situation is even worse because you may find that you don’t have the money for your bills or other important expenses all at once and have to make payment arrangements or do without things you need. Your goal should therefore be to spend less money than you earn each month.

Getting your finances under control takes some doing, but you are more than capable of it. Often, it’s a matter of paying more attention to where your money is going so that you can make better choices. Put a little bit of time and energy into tracking your spending and deciding how to spend in the future and you will soon reduce your stress, feel more abundant and enjoy life more.

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