Simple Steps To Successful Personal Finance
Posted at by ifydcat on category Personal FinanceMost people take a blow to their personal finances because they simply don’t know how to budget well. Properly taking care of your finances is something that schools should teach, but generally don’t. However, you will be happy to know it is never too late to get a grip on your personal finances. The article below will help you get yourself out of a financial mess!
The number one way to save money and get out of financial ruin is to work out a proper budget and stick to it. Working on a proper budget may not be as easy as it seems. It takes some time and careful planning on your part. Dedicate an afternoon and sit down at your desk with a notebook. Consider how much money you bring in each month from work and any other income you may have. Take note of the bills you have to pay and how much money is left over. From the money left over from your bills, carefully plan how much you can spend on groceries, clothing and any other necessities. This will help you spend what you have and not reach beyond your financial means.
There is a reason cashiers always give you a receipt with every purchase. Keep these receipts filed away. Receipts can help you figure out where your money went each month, and during tax season, they can also help you claim certain deductions. Grab some business envelopes and label them with categories such as bills, toll roads, groceries and clothing. Place your receipts inside according to the label. This will help you stay organized so you will know exactly what you spend on each month and how much.
Cut your spending on things like entertainment and luxury items. For example, you can easily live without that designer purse, but you need food, so this would be a good place to make the cuts. Many women love shopping at the mall, but remember that you are going to put yourself in debt that you won’t be able to get out of. You don’t need over the top and expensive clothing, accessories or video games. All of those things are fun to have, but not at the cost of financial ruin. Consider getting a piggy bank and setting some money aside each paycheck. Whatever is left inside the piggy bank could be your spending money on extras such as entertainment tickets or luxurious extras.
Your credit card is probably your most used accessory, but also the most abused. People reach for their cards and just swipe them at the register. However, remember that this is money that you will have to pay back and not yours for the taking. Next time you go grocery shopping, make a careful shopping list and calculate how much money you should need. Grab the amount in cash and take it with you. This way, you are less likely to wander and spend on things you don’t need.
Making too many trips to the store can become an expensive pastime, especially with gas prices that are skyrocketing in this economy. Consider designating two or three days a month when you get all of your shopping done. Purchase items you need in bulk. For example, if you like a particular brand of shampoo, purchase two or three to avoid having to go to the store for a replacement. Cutting down your trips to the store will save you time and money. Time and time again, it has been said that “time is money,” which can be proven true.
This article has hopefully helped you see that success isn’t particularly hard when it comes to personal finances. With a bit of organization and monitoring of your spending habits, you can be well on your way to get out of financial ruin and on your way to becoming a model citizen!