Two Main Points If Wireless411 Has To Be Made
Posted at by ifydcat on category FinanceMany mobile users are keen to know whether the information regarding talk for creation of a national directory for wireless users is true or not.
The answer is in the negative. It will naturally disappoint those who want it and give joy to people who are against it. The government after studying all the pros and cons of the move and also the privacy concerns has come to the conclusion that it may become a problem for subscribers to get listed in the directory.
There is a problem for the directory called wireless 411. Two issues were involved.
Subscribers will have to spend more. Subscribers may get unwanted calls for which they will be charged.
Telemarketers do not make such calls. The directory will not be for sale or be in print. But the number can be got by from the database for anyone who bothers to look up for it.
The directory charges a fee from mobile phone users for all the calls they make or receive and also for texts.
Mobile users opt for unlimited calling plans. However, most users choose plans with limited talk time and text. They are usually charged for exceeding the limit. Some users pay every time they use the phone.
2. There is a possibility that not sufficient mobile users would decide members of the directory. That should make the service not of much use to wireless users. It was thought that only 50% or even less of cell users would join as members of the directory. But the estimate is a minimum membership of 50% is required for any meaning use of the database.
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