Foreclosure Solutions Are plentiful – Learn Them About Them Today Before It Is Too Far Gone

Posted at by ifydcat on category Finance

There appears to be a misconception about why the rampant and systemic property foreclosure fraud is really hazardous to the American set up of property rights and contract law. That is why home owners must find out about foreclosure solutions.

The mortgage servicing process has found itself in the spot light this fall when employees at major banks stated in sworn depositions to signing off on property foreclosure filings without verifying any of the information. Loan providers as well as the government have insisted it is simply a paperwork problem and no home-owners have been harmed. However, just talk to homeowners which are in the middle of foreclosure. I am certain most, if not all, will explain to you they have been drastically harmed. On many occasions they’d also likely inform you that they wish they had discovered about foreclosure solutions which were available to them.

I don’t know if it is incompetence or even intentional deception and the inescapable fact that they aren’t able to modify a mortgage and at the same time stop a foreclosure is absurd.

Banking institutions are obligated to assess all overdue borrowers for President Obama’s Home Affordable Modification Program [HAMP], its unique home foreclosure relief effort, and also to ask for applications from homeowners which satisfy eligibility specifications. This program dramatically reduces monthly home payments for eligible borrowers, but a lot more have been bounced from HAMP than have obtained permanent loan modifications. Quite a few ex-home owners now realize that foreclosure solutions , other than modification, would have helped them to retain their house.

In conclusion, in my respectful point of view, home owners should find out about foreclosure solutions right now because there’s more here than meets the eye . They’re foreclosure solutions that are available which do not depend on governmental packages. Explore what’s available to safeguard yourself and individuals which you may know.

WP/WOP Guy Te is the common sense approach foreclosure expert that can help you stop your foreclosure today. Questions concerning deed in lieu of foreclosure? Find out about your foreclosure solutions .

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